The Top 5 Things They Got Right

The Top 5 Things They Got Right

The Top 5 Things They Got Right

May 3, 2020

Working from home has its challenges, mostly because it is a novel concept and many of us must adapt to the change. There goes that word again… Change.

Well, one company, that shall remain nameless, has handled this change with ease. I sent the COO a message yesterday, congratulating the leadership team on their adaptability and change management techniques. Below are 5 actions they got right:

1)      Communication: James Humes, American author and presidential speechwriter once said, “the art of communication is the language of leadership”. Since the lockdown, the department heads at this company have held weekly online meetings with their teams and each month the CEO has hosted an online townhall with the entire organization, followed with a recap email by end of the day.

2)      Servant Leadership: Whether it be the example in John 13:12-17 or the teachings of John Maxwell, throughout time we have seen and heard about the benefits of a servant leader. While many organizations have had to lay off staff or cut salaries, these leaders managed to keep the entire staff and have agreed to adopt salary deferments from the top down as a collective survival strategy.

3)      Employee Involvement: As mentioned in my previous article, “in organizations with effective idea systems, roughly 80 percent of the potential for overall performance improvement comes from front-line ideas”. During lockdown, the frontline staff at this company was tasked with coming up with innovative ways to cut costs and generate revenue. They responded and the ideas were countless.

4)      Strategic thinking: “A vision without a strategy remains an illusion.”- Lee Bolman. Even though they are working remotely, there are currently teams in place working on specific projects designed to streamline operations within their departments once the lockdown ends.

5)      Client Relations: At the heart of everything they do, their clients come first. Calls are being made daily and surveys completed to understand the needs of their customers. It is evident that a priority within the organization is how to build trust, how to engage, and how to aid their clients moving forward.

Many organizations are getting it right and setting good examples in the business world. They are taking care of their people, managing change effectively, and thinking ahead strategically… We salute you!

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